University of Brest (UBO) based Ocean University Initiative, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) and Too Big To Ignore (TBTI), Preface and AWA consortium have invited a workshop on Small Scale Fisheries in Brest, 25-26 June 2018.
40 researchers, managers, funding agencies, training institutions and consultants are invited to discuss issues for a better integration of research in development programmes and development aid supporting sustainable small-scale fisheries.
The workshop is organized in 7 sessions. Participants other than speakers in thematic sessions are invited to present their domain of interest in relation to SSF during the introductory session, first morning, intended to facilitate networking. Six thematic sessions are introduced by 2 or 3 presentations followed by a discussion. The first three sessions present feedbacks from several international research programmes dedicated to SSF in the South. The two following sessions provide views by managers, funding agencies, educational agencies, and consultants engaged in SSF. The closing session will summarize key messages from all sessions for the purpose of producing a position paper that will be presented at 3rd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (3WSFC) that will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on 22-26 October 2018.
SESSION 1: Contributions from the Too Big To Ignore project
SESSION 2: Contribution from two research consortium in tropical Atlantic: AWA - PREFACE
SESSION 3: Academic training and small-scale fisheries
SESSION 4: Fisheries departments’ needs for research: a South Pacific perspective
SESSION 5: research approaches to small-scale fisheries
SESSION 6: small-scale fisheries and development aid
SESSION 7: Synthesis and conclusions, open discussion